Book your Soul Session.

Ready for more clarity, peace, and flow in your life?

My signature 60-minute session is designed to help you receive messages from your soul and spirit team, aligning you with the life you were meant to live!

Why Choose A Soul Session?

  • Get a tailored intuitive session covering any topics you desire—relationships, health, purpose, career, home—it's your hour for YOU!

  • Receive immediate nervous system regulation through a sacred grounding exercise to set the container for our session.

  • Connect with your highest self, guides, angels, and whoever else wants to come through to work with you to provide clarity and direction on your chosen topics.

  • Feel seen, understood, and guided towards higher potentials through clarifying questions, prompts, and somatic techniques that help shift and heal limiting beliefs.

  • Walk away with integration activities or "cosmic homework" to support your ongoing journey after the reading.


  • Ready to receive messages from your soul (aka your higher self)

  • Ready to connect to your guides & spirit team

  • Ready to understand how to use and trust your intuition

  • Ready to make a career shift or dramatic pivot

  • Ready for clarity around relationship patterns or dynamics

  • Ready to close the gap between you and your highest self

  • Mediumship: I’m trained in mediumship and will bring forward any messages if certain loved ones or ancestors are present. I take requests but can’t guarantee a spirit will come through.

    Chakra/Energy Body Scan: I will be guided to look at stagnant or blocked energy in your chakras or aura, which we work through together in session.

    Physical Body Scan: If you are going through a health issue, I can look at what is going on through my intuitive lens and ask your soul/guides questions to get to the root of the issue and see where your healing might be.

    Soul Connection: For clients who have walked themselves just a little too far away from their soul, I will guide them through a visualization to help them remember what their soul feels like, sounds like, looks like and give them a new filter to move through life with!

    Somatic Processing: I use muscle testing, visualization, and guided exercises to help you feel into future potentials, strengthen your intuition, and bring clarity.

    Past Lives: I will be guided to look at karma from previous lifetimes that may be coming up to challenge you in the present and help you shift those in session.

    Astrology + Human Design: I occasionally ask questions about your astrology or human design (don’t worry if you don’t know!) as a way to help certain messages land or help me suggest integration practices that might be best for you!

    Relationship Mapping: For relationship questions, I can look at the path, lessons, and higher purpose of two souls.

    Remote Soul Reading: I do this very specifically for people who have loved ones who are close to passing or who are unable to communicate, acting as a channel for their soul.

Please click here for additional FAQs.

If you fail to provide at least 24 hours notice for rescheduling or cancellation, or if you do not attend the scheduled session (a "no-show"), a cancellation fee of 50% Session Fee will be charged.