Peace In Chaos

Just because living in chaos is normal these days doesn’t mean it’s natural.

I created my intuitive sessions for you to take a moment from your life to ground and reconnect with your soul.

By finding our inner sanctuary, we can create: Clarity, Peace, & Alignment

Hi! I’m Caroline

I’m your average big-city living, iced-coffee drinking, pilates-doing, always online-shopping girl, turned intuitive guide & coach!

My whole life, I’ve always been the go-to friend for what we would call a “DMC” (deep, meaningful conversation).

I’m a deep listener and problem-solver to my core. I love hearing people’s stories, understanding what they’re going through, and giving them advice & suggestions.

I’m highly sensitive (hello, Cancer sun and Cancer moon here!), and I’ve always felt that I was here to do something magical. At 25 years old, I collided with my purpose when I reconnected with my intuitive gifts, and here we are!

Online, I like to share my daily experiences in NYC along with some hot intuitive tips to help you unlock your own intuition and find more clarity on your path!

My goal is to help people remember that EVERYONE is intuitive, to help people reconnect with their soul’s messages, and to help people feel more peace on this crazy journey we call life!

If you want the nitty gritty, keep scrolling!

At 25 years old, I realized I had intuitive abilities for the first time.

I had never seen ghosts or spirits or had any sort of psychic experiences before.

I was working in the LA entertainment industry (my dream then) and was burnout, disillusioned, and craving a change.

After the universe dropped some hints, I took the leap, invested in a psychic training, and what was supposed to be a fun hobby became the road home to my purpose and highest expression.

Since then, I’ve done hundreds of intuitive readings, became an IIN-certified health coach, moved from LA to NYC, and truly believe that every single one of us is intuitive!

Throughout my journey, I’ve learned how to combine my intuitive gifts with science-backed healing techniques to give people clarity, more trust in their intuition, and a moment of peace in the chaos.

Are you ready to cut through the noise and receive messages straight from your soul so that you can start living the life you really want?

I’m here to be your intuitive cheerleader, guide, healer, and friend. Let’s make your dreams happen together.




  • I don’t know about you, but I hate scary movies, ouija boards, and all that. We don’t mess with anything but love and light in my sessions.

  • Your soul will NEVER speak in absolutes. It’s guidance is gentle and loving. I help you look within rather than just give yes or no answers.

  • Many people have reported this as a side affect from working with me!

  • The spiritual space can be so stuffy! I’m a normal person, just like you. In my sessions, we go deep, laugh, and have fun.

Kind Words

“Caroline was super sweet and put me at ease, creating a safe container where I could ask honest questions. Her intuition is so strong! I didn't share any details, but she picked up on situations that were happening in my life and thoughts and decisions that I needed to take!”

How We Can Work Together

Right now, I am offering my signature 1:1 sessions where we go deep for 60 minutes into anything that you desire! I use my intuition to provide clarity, insight, and guidance from your soul, spirit team and passed loved ones.